Saturday, 24 May 2014

Doctor Who Season 8 August's release date, teaser trailer revealed

As much as we love Matt Smith, there is a new Doctor in town and i bet its gonna be awesome. The eight season of the rebooted Doctor Who TV series airs this year – and with it comes a new Doctor in the form of Peter Capaldi (The Thick of It, The Hour), along with Jenna Coleman back as Clara, plus a new human (Or is he?… Probably.) time-travler in Danny Pink, played by Samuel Anderson (Emmerdale). At last, a teaser has been released for the new season, revealing that Doctor number… well, whatever it is we’re up to now, will hit the small screen before the end of this summer.

Steven Moffat remains the current Doctor Who head writer, extending his run to four seasons now. The most recent season appeared to prompt an overall lukewarm reaction from Whovians (discounting enthusiastic reactions to the 50th anniversary special), but Moffat has already indicated that Capldi-era Doctor Who might be quite different, compared to what life was like during Matt Smith’s tenure as the Doctor – and thus, keep the time-traveling escapades feeling all the more fresh, for it.

What, exactly, that entails remains to be seen, as the first teaser trailer released for Doctor Who season 8 keeps Capaldi’s Doctor in the dark – quite literally. Basically, this is a showy way of reminding everyone that the iconic sci-fi/fantasy show is going to be returning soon – and, if we’re being honest, just hearing the theme song again is enough to get us that more excited for seeing what Moffat and company do next.

Besides, between the revelations unveiled during the 50th anniversary Doctor Who adventure, in addition to last year’s Matt Smith farewell episode, the Christmas special “The Time of the Doctor”, the foundation has been laid for some intriguing new developments in the near future (or past – this is Doctor Who, after all), as far as the over-arching mythology of the series is concerned. There’s still plenty of time and space that could use – nay, demands – some exploring in the Who-universe, after all.

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