Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Rumor Patrol: Star Wars Rumors about Villain details

There are several rumors going around about the upcoming Star Wars movie but the latest rumor is about the villains in the movie. Some rumors on Makingstarwars.net that come from individuals working at Pinewoods studios have stated the following as the possible plot details.

  • Those close to production have been calling the villains “Jedi Hunters.” They’re dressed in black and use lightsabers to hunt Jedi for the Empire. They also have foot soldiers that look like Storm Troopers but wear black and chrome uniforms.
  • Three of the Jedi Hunters will be played by Lupita Nyong’o, Adam Driver, and David Oyelowo. Nyong’o was even seen wearing yellow contact lenses.
  • The Jedi Hunters worship the Sith and have been tasked to insure their survival, which includes enacting plans to resurrect them in Episode VIII.
  • Jedi Hunters are the reason there’s still no New Republic. Luke Skywalker has been fighting to stop them for the last thirty years, but he is now in need of help
The possibility of a female villain and that the villain might be played by Gwendoline Christie as the female sith while Lupita Nyong'o might be playing the role of Obi Wan's granddaughter but with this latest rumors, it makes more sense that Lupita would be playing the female villain and the addition of newcomer Maisie Richardson-sellers who is more likely to play Obi-Wan's granddaughter.
All i hope is that they make a great movie out of it.

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