Saturday, 11 April 2015

Netflix's Daredevil: My review of episode 1 "Into the Ring"

This show has all the hallmark of a great series and I can see that this is Marvel's big attempt at showing us a very compelling origin story much like what DC comics did with Arrow.

The show began with the incident that made Matt Murdock into the person that would end up becoming Daredevil. Matt and his extremely clueless friend and law partner Foggy take on a case that has the potential of expanding the narrative of the show. Even though the damsel-in-distress who ended up being their secretary might be out of danger for now, I don't see this ending for them anytime soon. They are currently on Fisk's radar and it is just a matter of time before they figure out what is really going on.

The pilot episode presented a very dark but interesting beginning for the show and I especially loved the way Charlie Cox portrayed and delivered the performance. The fights were properly choreographed and were executed with the same precision even though every once in a while I felt it was unreal but in general, great job. I also liked the way they are giving us incites into the relationship between Matt and his father and linking said relationship to his current state of mind.

At the tail end of the show, they also took the liberty to show us what Matt Murdock is up against by showing snippets of the Fisk syndicate in action and in turn showing us how Matt is getting himself ready for what lies ahead by training himself at the gym. I see great things for this show and I hope they don't screw it up.

I give it a 6 out of 10, how would you rate it?

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